Saturday, August 30, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

I Still Exist

I still exist.

Even if my hair is pulled back in a braid every day then let loose into a crazy wave at night, at least I took a shower.

Even though we may have gone over our restaurant budget the last months of pregnancy and the first months of a newborn, I still made meals at home, and we ate as a family every night.

Even though I still have extra weight accumulated from three pregnancies in four years, I just consider myself more comfortable to cuddle with for my kids and hubby.

Even though my toddler watches more tv than is recommended by the people who know, at least I sit with her most of the time while she watches.

Even though my child ate lots of popsicles and ice cream this summer, she also eats almost a can of corn in one sitting.

Even though I haven't blogged in a long time, I still have been thinking and jotting down thoughts for when I had the brains and time to blog.

That time is now. Get ready. It's coming...