Thursday, February 13, 2025

Light In The Darkness

There is much turmoil in the world today. We constantly see it on the news, talk about it with friends and family, or avoid talking about it to keep the peace politically. It can make us feel hopeless and helpless sometimes. What can we do to stop the terrible things happening all over the world and right in our own neighborhoods? Honestly, there's really not much we can do to stop it, but we can spread our own influence of goodness. While the news shares mostly negative actions, we can share positive actions to lighten our own lives and the lives of those around us.

Every time you are kind to the cashier at the store, smile at someone passing you on the sidewalk, hold open a door for someone else, or are helpful to your own family, you are making a difference for good. Small acts of kindness remind others that there are good people in the world doing good things still. It can give people hope and courage. 

We also make a difference for good by not doing evil things. By not being the person who causes fear and anger in others, we leave the world a better place. Negative things left unsaid or undone can be just as powerful as positive things said and done, but only you know the control you used to keep peace in the world. 

Be a light in the darkness to give yourself and others a reason to keep on going strong with help and hope.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Goals and Systems

Ready to set goals for the New Year that will not be accomplished? It might be you want a system but call it a goal. 

Use goals for definable and achievable things like save $1 a week until you have $100 to buy the item you want. Set a goal, set small achievable steps, mark them as you do them, achieve goal, and completely finish.

Use systems for goals like eating healthier, exercising, and working on your personality. Systems are actions that you incorporate into your life that will become lifelong habits. 

Goal: add a fruit to breakfast and snack, and a veggie to lunch and dinner. This goal has no end, except in death or giving up. Your goal is not ever achieved or fulfilled.

System: add a fruit to breakfast and snack, and a veggie to lunch and dinner. This system is something you can continue your whole life and feel satisfied that it has no end. This is just something you do now, like brushing your hair and teeth. Sometimes you skip brushing your teeth or on sick days you don't brush your hair, but that doesn't mean you stop brushing on good days. You now have a system of eating more fruits and veggies, and if you miss a meal or a day or a week, you just get back into your system. 

It's more than just semantics, it is two different ways of accomplishing two different ideas. They are both good and needed for different things. Goals are for short or long term items with a definable end. Systems are for items you want to keep doing your whole life. Habits are just something you do automatically, systems are something you start intentionally. 

When you are setting goals this 2025 New Year, make sure you correctly label and implement them as goals or systems so you can live a happy fulfilled life.

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Forty Years of Life

 Today is my 40th birthday! When I was younger this seemed so old, but now I've arrived, it seems so young. Here are four things I've learned through each decade of life:

0-10 years old: It's okay to have someone take care of you when you can't do it yourself.

11-20 years old: Learn to be independent and do things for yourself.

21-30 years old: Figure out who you are and what you really want from life.

31-40 years old: Be kind, we're all struggling with a lot and pretending we're fine. 

In the next decade, I'm hoping to become more empathetic and sharing. I'm hoping to take more time to do the things I love instead of the easy mediocre things. I'm hoping my family will draw even closer together as we realize time together is fleeting and precious. I'm hoping I keep becoming my best self.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Open Yourself Up To Light

Open yourself up to light.

When you've been in a dark room, turning on the light or walking outside into the sunlight can hurt your eyes. You have to adjust gradually. When you are really cold, even mildly warm water feels like it is burning your skin. You have to adjust gradually. 

When your mind and soul have been in a cold or dark place, you have to gradually open yourself up to light and warmth. Jumping straight in can hurt and burn. 

When trying to help people who are in a dark place we want to give so much love, but coming from a loveless place, including not loving themselves, can be overwhelming and painful. We need to keep the help and love available and let them gradually open themselves and adjust to a new way of feeling. 

Every step in the right direction, even if it's small, even if it's after going the wrong direction again, will slowly go closer to the light. Eventually you realize by looking back how far you have come and how bright your life is now. Then you reach back a hand and a heart to others and patiently wait.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

An Extraordinary Ordinary Life

"Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide. 
We know we were made for so 
much more than ordinary lives. 
It's time for us to more than just survive. 
We were made to thrive." -Casting Crowns
"...(W)e were made for so much more than ordinary lives. ... We were made to thrive." Are you thriving or surviving? Are you living an ordinary life or an extraordinary ordinary life?

It's not about being famous or rich, educated or accomplished. It's about thriving, living an extraordinary ordinary life. An ordinary but elevated life.

What makes an extraordinary ordinary life? It depends on the person. Some things that I believe make for an extraordinary ordinary life where you thrive are the following: love, peace, close family and friends, understanding your self-worth, following your dreams, and being true to who you are and what you believe.

When you make the best of your life wherever you are and are intrinsically happy, happy because of you, then you can thrive in many circumstances.

Unfortunately many times true greatness isn't seen until after true tragedy. Those that rise from the devastation of their lives and continue to be, or change into, a loving and serving person. There are many organizations that were founded after the untimely death of a loved one from a fatal disease. There are amazing deeds of service done after natural catastrophes strike.
We don't all need to be world renowned heroes, but we can be heroes to those in our sphere of influence- those we interact with in our daily lives. Making choices that benefit our lives and the lives of others will help us to live elevated extraordinary ordinary lives.