Thursday, December 21, 2017

Is Everything Going To Be Okay?

A friend posted the following question on facebook: When you are going through something hard how do you know it will be ok in the end?

I replied: Honestly, you don't necessarily know it will be okay in the end, but you have to hope it is. At least okay in the earthly mortal sense of okay, in the eternal sense it will definitely all be okay if you keep doing what's right the best you can.

I have to remind myself, "I can do hard things." If you look back at everything you've already been through, how many have you gotten through? All of them. You'll get through this too. When things don't go as planned, you can learn to look for the good- love and support from family and friends, learning about compassion, learning about being more sensitive to others.

Whatever happens, you're always finding a 'new normal' for your life, adapting to the situation, and learning. Sometimes you have to let others have the faith for you so that you can plan for the worst so you are prepared if it happens and pleasantly surprised if it doesn't. Everything turns out the for best or you make the best of the way things turn out.

I've often heard that God won't give you anything you can't handle. My husband said that actually he will give you more than you can handle. If you could get through life on your own with things you could handle, then why would you need help from him or family or friends or professionals? If he gives you things you can't handle, then it forces you to turn to him or to others for help, forging lasting bonds of love and friendship.

If it takes a village to raise a child, it definitely takes a village to get through life.