This is my 100th post, and in commemoration I've written ten lists of ten things- one hundred things about me.
~Ten of my favorite authors and books: Madeleine L'Engle
~Ten of my favorite foods: pizza, potato casserole and ham, raspberries, tomatoes, Arby's roast beef sandwiches, my husband's smoothies and orange julius, mint Oreo shakes, Cheerios, alfredo potatoes*, french fries.
~Ten things I want to accomplish in my life: write a book, write a musical, raise a happy family, live healthily till an old age with my husband, own our dream home, travel to at least my top three destinations, travel to all fifty United States, have a successful side business, create a game, be a motivational speaker.
~Ten places I want to travel to: Australia, France, Vietnam, England, Germany, Spain (again- with my husband this time), Hawaii, Dubai, New York (outside of JFK airport), a rainforest.
~Ten things I enjoy doing: cooking, playing the piano, reading, writing, playing games, talking walks and hikes, crafting, people watching, listening to music, being with my family and friends.
~Ten people I would like to meet: Nikola Tesla, Madeleine L'Engle, Abraham Lincoln, CS Lewis, John Nash, Harry Connick Jr, Kenneth Branagh, Joan of Arc, Jane Austen, and Michelle Obama.
~Ten words I like: serendipity, serenity, seraphim, insuperable, asinine, juxtaposition, lovely, sapphire, September (my birth month), Elisabeth (my name).
~Ten of my pet peeves and dislikes: people who won't answer a phone call but will only text, people across the intersection who make a left turn in front of you as soon as the light turns green for you to go straight, bad smelling people or places, people who don't wash their hands, dogs that bark and jump on you, mushrooms, coconut, mean people, creepy crawlies, noisy eaters (excluding babies).
~Ten of my favorite movies and tv shows: Psych, Big Bang Theory, The Lord of the Rings series, Johnny English, What About Bob, Beauty and the Beast, Hitch, Newsies, Pride and Prejudice, My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
~Ten random things: I've eaten a squid eyeball lens, I always point out the moon to my husband, my face gets very red when I'm embarrassed or exercise, I lived in Spain for a month with a study abroad program, I've been snorkeling, I've rolled a wave runner and had to pull my young niece out from under it, I played trombone in school, when I was little I didn't mind shots and would watch the doctor do it, I've never broken a bone, I've never had a speeding ticket.
*Alfredo potatoes is a recipe I created: Wash and poke 4-5 potatoes and microwave till baked, then peel and cube potatoes. In a baking dish, layer all the potatoes, followed by cooked crumbled breakfast sausage (I use Jimmy Dean), then a layer of alfredo sauce (squish it down into the potatoes and sausage a little), a layer of spinach (if it's fresh put a lot more than you would think because it shrinks a lot), then more alfredo sauce, then shredded cheddar cheese (or I use colbyjack, a mix of orange and white) over the whole pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes. Yumm!
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